something about this just makes me feel old.

the nerf arms race

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jeremy came down to "the rooms" (being 313 and 312) yesterday and, in a delicious flourish of childishness and whimsy, showed us his specially modified nerf guns. men...we're such children when it comes down to it. consider greg earlier today, clutching his newly-purchased nerf dart revolver tightly, inches away from his replica lightsaber, saying "i'm not immature." the irony. truly, in some ways, i say this: fuck maturity.

so i threw down my eight dollars and i'll be getting one too, and next year we'll be shooting each other with suction cup-tipped darts and laughing hysterically, plotting revenge and escape routes, reloading, modding, and practicing our aiming skills, like highly sophisticated fourth-graders. college, eh?

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