when britt and i were working on friday and hoping for what seemed like the inevitable early closing (it having been halloween), a very confused man called. he wanted to know how he could become 'matriculated' into the graduate school without completing his graduate school application. 'that's insane,' britt said in so many words. 'to be matriculated your application needs to be completed and processed and approved.'
'you don't understand,' he said. 'i'm matriculated into the school, but not the graduate school. i thought i was matriculated into both, but i just realised i wasn't. your verbology is confusing.'
for those of you playing along at home, no such state of enrollment exists.
'does he mean he's taking classes as a non-degree student?' i asked britt as she cupped the phone for a silencing effect. that would make some sense, even if he had the 'verbology' all off. he wasn't, and was told that he needed to, you know, finish applying and be accepted, because words have
later we told anne about it and his strange assessment of the matriculation situation.
'he says he's enrolled in the school but not in the graduate school,' britt said.
sure he is.'
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