visited a spookily empty campus center this morning and got a concrete image of what the inside of my head will feel like now that our time has passed until mid-january. just as i wrote this krystin sent me an instant message saying that after one day she was already having withdrawals and i know how she feels. the yankee swap was a fine grace note to the group that has developed; i have a feeling next semester will be different. we may get kicked out for our loudness and our composition may change based on everyone's new schedule, but we'll always have the last couple of months and we'll always know that it felt like so much longer.
i took up a windowside seat at the library a little later on after a walk through the spectral campus on the limbo day between classes ending and finals beginning and built up more of a work ethic than i've had in college up to this point. it was a work ethic founded upon a need for distraction more than anything else, but i was also having fun with what i had to write.
i'm keeping myself around on campus for an artificially long time to avoid going home. it'll be lonely and it'll be empty but at least it won't be home. yet.
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