keep going.
sunday. the living room is the last basically uncompleted room, and also the most complicated in terms of what we want to do with it. the plan is to set up a sort of office area behind japanese-style screens, with the tv out in the middle part of the room across from the sleeper love-seat my parents are bringing down next weekend. i arranged it roughly that way today, with certain obvious parts missing. i set my ibook up in the kitchen and dug out my computer speakers so that i could run them into the living room and listen to cbc podcasts of a 1998 special on educational theory. the bookcases are bare and one that we still should buy is missing, the screens have yet to be found, the love-seat is a week off, and i didn't want to populate the tv stand with dvds at this early date, in case things change. i await her response. (later: she likes it!)
i tracked thunderstorms on my pilfered internet connection today-- small bands of them passed through, causing momentary downpours and the intermittent booming in the distance that is my favourite aspect of the season. being right by the water as we are means we catch this kind of storm last, and someday when the band is wider and more severe i'll walk down to the beach and watch its progress out to sea. i mentioned as much to my father yesterday. he said he was jealous of us for living so close to the beach (even though it is only a 'beach' in the academic sense) for that very reason. he was looking at the power plant and saying he wanted to see something hit the electrical wires. as we walked down to the beach, laura was describing to my parents how this one spot between the crosswalk and the concrete path around the little bay is the best because for a few seconds at a regular pace, you can't see the power plant. you could stop right there and pretend it doesn't exist.
we finished decorating our 'old world' kitchen with seventeenth century cartographic prints, the framed renaissance nativity painting laura bought me, and a couple of complementary indie rock posters (secret shine and andrea maxand) that matched the colour scheme.
anna stopped in to visit. i count her the first official guest, since my family was helping with the move and can't really be considered to have been in the house in that capacity. next time. i have this idea, and laura told anna about this, as i told emmie, that this place is big enough and we're of the temperament that we could be the place that friends stay overnight at. i'm not thinking wild parties, because we don't do much with large groups anyway, but there's definitely some appeal in sometimes staying up late with friends and not having to part while it's still dark: there's a place for them to sleep and an inviting kitchen. i guess for me this goes back to the dorms and staying late in each other's rooms, which after knowing christine was further fuel for my love of late-night discourse, when the hours start to blur and you get drunk on tired. we'd watch movies in the strange room that will soon have both chinese propaganda posters and at least one of audrey hepburn. i love us.
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