this empty street, this sky to blandness scoured,
this air, a little indistinct with autumn
like a reflection, constitute the present --
a time traditionally soured,
a time unrecommended by event.
but equally they make up something else:
this is the future furthest childhood saw
between long houses, under travelling skies,
heard in contending bells --
an air lambent with adult enterprise,
and on another day will be the past,
a valley cropped up by fat neglected chances
that we insensately forbore to fleece.
on this we blame our last
threadbare perspectives, seasonal decrease.
-- philip larkin, 'triple time'
yes, i doexhibit a:
feel the need for all those tools of sound
'cause without song we’ll lose our sight of god
(not the god that tells them they're all blessed).
-- norfolk & western, 'at dawn or after dusk'
'i was speaking exactly like a person who is in a boat being carried along by wind and waves and who when asked the most important and vital question, "where should i steer?" avoids answering by saying, "we are being carried somewhere."'
-- leo tolstoy, a confession
The Ark you're building
in your yard
Will you let me on
Will you let me off
Don't you think
we all should study Etiquette
before we study Magic
-- Leonard Cohen
'from such as this, have i drawn joy and knowledge. in such as this, have i found and beheld myself. i will speak to it. it can speak again. it can yield me thought already formed and alive.'morning knowledge.
-- ralph waldo emerson, nature
-- michelle tea, the chelsea whistle