yeah, time's the great destroyer
Published 5.06.2009 by matt o | E-mail this post
graduating. it's going to be difficult to get used to this: the rhythms of each year for as far back as i have conscious memory have been determined by the academic year. i resent this and cling to it at the same time. then the current season. forgive my emo moments as i mourn
past springs. i guess just that
cherry blossoms are out. you know how much i love those. i'll talk about something else:
i got another used book with an interesting inscription, though this time it's actually a piece of paper folded up inside the front cover. sort of an ornamental piece, too, inside this copy of qiu xiaolong's
death of a red heroine. it reads, thusly (all spelling errors in the original):
hold fast to dreams
for if dreams flop
life is a boal of rice crispies
without the pop
by Jill
and some somewhat
less well known auther
Langston Hughes
Dear Jill, I was on the plain from Punta Cana
and practicing ciligraphy. I couldn't think of any
other poem except yours
love Nancy
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