'the book was very right, of course, so long as everyone started living by it at the same time.'
-- aleksandr solzhenitsyn, cancer ward
when i was ten, i thought my brother was god
he'd lie in bed and turn out the light with a fishing rod
i learned the names of all his football team
and i still remembered them when i was nineteen
strange the things that i remember still
shouts from the playground when i was home and ill
my sister taught me all that she learned there
when we grew up, we said, we'd share a flat somewhere
when i was seventeen, london meant oxford street
where i grew up, there were no factories
there was a school and shops and some fields and trees
rows of houses one by one appeared
i was born in one and lived there for eighteen years
then when i was nineteen, i thought the humber would be
the gateway from my little world into the real world
but, there is no real world
we live side by side, and sometimes collide
when i was seventeen, london meant oxford street
it was a little world
i grew up in a little world
-- everything but the girl, 'oxford street'
-- michelle tea, the chelsea whistle
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